Jes Lee

Day 36

Some cameras don't share all of their secrets with you right away.

As you get more and more comfortable with a camera, or any art material, you learn ways that you can stretch their powers, and create amazing new images.

It has been almost 2 months since I got my Polaroids Sx-70 from an eBay seller. I had heard that you could do long exposures with it, but I couldn't figure out how. 

The automatic exposure meter always gave me images like this:

While they are very cool in their own ways, it just wasn't what I had in mind. 

But I didn't give up. An extensive Google search lead me to some discussions on Flickr, which gave me a new technique to try. I had a chance to try it tonight, and wowzers! It works!

About a 10 second exposure. This would have been much better if I had remembered to close the closet door. It is still cool, being the first 10 second exposure with this camera!

A little self-portrait. This was about a 15 second exposure.


I will definitely be working on more of these. Many of you know that night photography is one of my favorites, and something I do quite often in the winter. This will lead to some interesting photos I hope!

