Jes Lee

Day 50

I had been hoping to make a big deal here in my blog about making it to day 50 and only missing a couple of posts when I was really sick.

I had been hoping to have a bunch of new images to upload, new compilations, new polaroids, new dialogs.

The truth is, I have been working all day today finishing up applications. One small application to participate in a Holiday sale, and one grant application.

The grant application wasn't easy. It was an application for the Bush Foundation Artist Fellowship. Of course my chances of getting a grant like that are pretty slim – there are many many many awesome artists in the area that apply for these, and there is only so much money for the foundation to give out, so the odds are stacked against you just in numbers alone. No matter what your chances of winning though, applying for these grants is an experience. It is a long process with so many minute details you have to pay attention to and you are ready to rip things to shreds by the time you are done. But, the process makes you really think about your work and think about your purpose. In this case, it made me think about what I'm going to do after this show at Bloomington. Not that I am focusing on that right now, I think I have enough to focus on the way it is, but this grant has made me think about what will be next. And, it is kind-of a cool idea. I think I might actually stick with that, after this show. Grant or no grant.

Best part of the day:

Until tomorrow.
