Jes Lee

I can do this….


There has been a lot of excitement around here over the last couple of weeks.

A few of you may already know this, but John and I are buying a house and moving out of our condo! And in fact, we are moving in two days.

Two. Days.

For quite awhile we hoped to be able to move mid-July like this. Then for quite a while we knew that wouldn’t happen and just hoped to be able to move before August 1st when our renters moved into our condo. Then, exactly 14 days ago, on my 31st birthday, we found out that mid-July could indeed work. Commence scramble-packing now.

I won’t even get into describing how many boxes we have packed and where they are all stashed. It feels like chaos, contained in cardboard and whatever kind of plastic Rubbermaid uses and that it is likely to explode at any minute.

The most work has taken place at my studio. Our new house has room for my darkroom, and space for my printing press and type cases. It’s amazing!!! To say that I was not prepared to be able to move my studio this fast is an understatement, and I have been working like mad to clean out, and box up my creative life so I can get back to creating as soon as possible! (There are already two art festivals scheduled for September…no big deal, right?!)

I could go on whining how the last thing I want to do today is go pack more boxes and how much I just want to sit on my couch with an ice pack and a snuggly bunny, but I’ll spare you all that.

Instead I will tell you that I had an amazing time at the opening reception for my Digital dreams of where you are show at Minnesota Center for Book Arts! I am truly thrilled with how the show turned out, and had such a great time celebrating with friends that night! I promise to post photos of the show here soon (yes, I am the gallery photographer at MCBA and I still haven’t gotten that photos done from my show!) My work will be up until August 4th, so there is still time to get over there if you haven’t yet! If you want me to tag along or meet you there for coffee after, let me know!

Also, this week is ‘Roid Week! For those of you that don’t know, ‘Roid Week happens for one week each year, where those of us who work with instant film post photos like mad on Flickr, post links to instant photos on Twitter, Facebook, and any social media we can. It is truly amazing and inspiring to see what so many people are creating with this unique medium! Go check out the group pool on Flickr. I guarantee you can lose a bit of time looking through the photos there!

I am mostly posting instant photos from my amazing Art-a-Whirl weekend (yeah, I still need to blog about that too!) There may be a new instant photo from me by the end of the week, but that will depend on how quickly I can get my scanner un-packed!

My ‘Roid Week submissions:

Day 1:



Metalworking – Dirk making a lawn ornament

lampwork beads


Lampwork bead making

Day 2:





Metalworking – welding.

Off to packing I go…..