Jes Lee


So, for any of you who are familiar with Neil Gaiman, and are familiar with his wonderful online journal and read it on at least a semi-regular basis, you understand the idea of his ‘closing the tabs’ posts.  If not, here is a short explination:

As the week goes on and people send cool links to him, or he finds cool sites on the interwebs, he keeps each site open in it’s own tab.  Eventually, when he has time, the posts links to all of the sites on his blog, and closes each one after posting.  Each tab has been passed to him, reflected upon, blogged, and there-by passed on.

I do the same sort of things with tabs.  As I come across cool things that inspire me or make me think in a different way, I keep the tabs open until I completely finish reading them, or I have figured out an appropriate tag to give them so I can bookmark them.

I have decided that there are many tabs that might be of great interest to someone reading this, and decided that every-once-in-awhile I should do a ‘closing the tabs’ post, though I much prefer to call it ‘my inspiration for the week’.

So here you go:

My Inspiration for the week:

A Survey of London’s Remaining Professional Darkrooms is a great photo essay about, well, London’s remaining professional darkrooms.  I found this thanks to Polaroidgirl on Twitter.  (I follow many awesome photographers and artists on Twitter!)

I think these are awesome and I almost want one of my camera cards to die so I can make one!  (Also sent to me on twitter from someone cool though I can’t remember who now)

I really like the idea of this sketchbook especially since the pages are meant to be screen-sized…but I always feel like I can make notebooks myself.  Having the grid would definitely be nice though!  (Also from Twitter)

I <3 these Kodak films about Mr. Pixel and Mrs. Grain!  They make me smile :)  (Found on Twitter from Kodak’s Chief Blogger)

Films like these of the awesome stop action type make me secretly wish I was a video artist…(Yup, it’s from Twitter!)


Enough links for now.


‘Til next time…