Jes Lee

Little moments

I just read a post by a friend today that pointed out that sometimes you have to look for inspiration, and sometimes you have to make do with what you have. It is so very true, and something I need to remember these days. It has been slow getting back into artwork mode after the holidays, and inspiration hasn't exactly been knocking on my door. But there have been little chances to be creative popping up here and there, and I am realizing today that those are the moments I need to focus on more, and look for more of them, and the rest will follow. In fact, as I go through my day today, I am taking pictures with my Hasselblad. We'll see how the film comes out in the end, but it is accomplishing two things: 1. I'm taking pictures. 2. It is forcing me to get over the idea of "that really isn't worth putting on film". That is an easy trap to fall into. The reality is, film is pretty cheap, and you never know what you'll get unless you try.

Getting back to one of those 'little moments'…

A couple of Saturdays ago we went over to our friend's house. She had asked me to take pictures of her little boy. Now this little guy stole my heart the first moment I saw him in the hospital, and I love photographing him. We didn't do anything fancy, there were no backdrops, or fancy lighting. Just us and my camera and a few outfits and toys for him. 

I'm going to miss this little guy and his mom very much when they go to Japan for 3 months this spring, but I imagine his family there will greatly enjoy meeting him.

Until next time,
