Jes Lee

Some days are quiet

Today was a day-job work day.

I biked to work despite the threats of rain and storms, and somehow missed getting caught in anything during both my ride to work and back home.

It is challenging to get a lot of artwork work done on these days. I’m wore out by the time I get home and I’m ready to just crash. But I realize that what I end up doing is really more similar to “studying” instead of “practicing”. What I mean by that:

Tonight I have not touched any photos, film, processed anything, scanned any images in, nothing. I have, however gotten my Adobe programs set up on my new laptop so they will work (this is actually quite a bit of work. Adobe doesn’t make it easy to switch computers!). Biking lets my mind wander a bit more than driving does. Today on my bike ride I continued thinking about the next project I want to work on, and I think I am a little bit farther in figuring out what exactly it will be. I have been working on that for a while now, but today I feel closer. I have also been reading and reading always has the potential of helping with creative ideas and putting us in the right “zone”.

So today has been a study day, and honestly, it was a good one.

Tomorrow is an early morning. The Back to the 50’s car show starts tomorrow and I will be up very early to help at work and take photos of the old cars and stuff like that. And then eventually I will make it back home and continue with my artwork week and everything will be as it should. In the mean time, I am looking forward to this weekend, but seriously dreading getting up before 7am.

On we go.