Jes Lee


I am stretching.


I’m working, reading, and stretching. New things are working their way into the old, and old things are stretching into the new.


I have a new polaroid back for one of my favorite cameras. The results are truly unique, and so much fun! It makes everything seem different and new again.


I am reading more photography books. Currently I’m reading The Ongoing Moment by Geoff Dyer. It has been a good read so far. I’ll post more insight on it when I finish.


In the mean time, here are a few more photos…a couple of new favorites of mine from our trip to Japan.

Both of these were taken with my Mamiya C330 camera, shot on 120 Fuji Velvia slide film. <3


At a train station in Japan at night

Japan train station at night

Festival celebrating the blooming of the cherry blossoms in Japan

a festival celebrating the blooming of the cherry blossoms in Shukugawa