Jes Lee


August will be a crazy, insane month for me. 

September will be just as crazy, but we’re taking it one month at a time here.

The other day, this idea came through my Google Reader and Twitter feed. It is a very good idea.

The August Break: for the month of August, instead of focusing on words in your blog posts, to focus on photos. Posting what you are doing in a picture, and letting that speak for itself. The best part: no rules. 

I plan on participating, both on this blog, and on my jesleephotos blog. Somedays I will post the same photos on both blogs, somedays they will be different. We’ll see where this takes me.






August is almost here.

I already know it will be a crazy month for me, finishing up work for my show, trying to organize so I am not scrambling at the last minute.

I figured that my blogging would suffer even more neglect than it usually does. One day, I saw this come through my Twitter feed and my Google Reader: The August Break

The idea: let photos speak for themselves. That is what you will see here. Photos from a variety of cameras, photos of what I'm working on, what is happening in my world, maybe some self portraits. I am excited. At a time when I have to focus so much on finishing photo work, and framing, it will be nice to have somewhere to focus on posting photos. All photos will also be posted in my Flickr Photostream, so if you have an easier time keeping up with Flickr, check for them there.

Until next time!
