Jes Lee

Somedays you just forget

I feel like I have been forgetting* everything today. I forgot many little necessary bits during the morning hours of today. Tonight I find myself frustrated because Mr. FN is talking about a book he is reading, that I read myself not terribly long ago, and I don’t remember enough about bits of it to have a good conversation with him about the book. I don’t know why this is. It could be that I’m still tired and recovering from the Northern Spark activities, but it still bothers me a bit. I dislike feeling that forgetful.

Tomorrow will thankfully be a long day of finishing photo jobs, starting on some new artwork (hopefully!), lots of photo posting to Flickr, and maybe even fixing my bike! … I am very grateful that when my bike chain started giving me major issues on my way home from work that I was already at the parking lot to our building! I at least didn’t have far to walk with it!

I’m really hoping to schedule a studio day in the darkroom soon. It makes me sad to say that sometimes, that I have to “schedule” a day like that in. But that is just how it goes sometimes. It is more from an abundance of photo jobs than a lack of being able to be in my darkroom. If only there were an easier way to balance all the jobs! Anyway, yes. More time in darkroom. More time for art. I have been thinking of a new 365 photo project tonight. Something with film this time as well as writing. Vague ideas are vague!

Also, perhaps I should not blog so late. My morning posts are not as incoherant!

Good night!

wires – taken with a Lomo LCA

* The grammar check program I have installed on my blog just suggested I should change “have been forgetting” to “have forgettd”. I am not sure I trust my grammar check program anymore….