Jes Lee

Remembering warm

While editing photos today, I came across this one.


Taken sometime in September (Impossible Project instant film, Polaroid Spectra camera).

It was warm, we had settled into a routine in our new home, and apples were in season. We rode our bikes to the local co-op to buy apples from a local farm to make apple sauce and apple butter. We packed our bag so full of apples that we couldn’t get my bike pack to close.

Winters in Minnesota have their own special beauty, when everything is still, the snow sparkles, and the air is crisp. When you can go skiing, or sledding, and return home to hot drinks and rosy cheeks. It is hard to remember all of this when the air stays in degrees below zero, when breathing outside is almost painful. But this is all temporary, just like every other season. I’m still looking forward to the next day it is warm enough to wander a bit with my camera.