Jes Lee

Getting back

Monday was a bit of a blur this week.

But, here we are at Tuesday. I am standing at the bottom of a mountain of a week that will have me running from place to place, setting up photo shoots, and watching my folders of photos to process grow exponentially. It is still exciting to me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way just yet.

This past weekend we spent at a resort with John’s company for their holiday party. It was a lot of fun and exhausting in the best ways. The freezing cold bits of January are past for now, making it possible to actually be outside. On Saturday I actually managed a short photo walk. Both John and I needed a bit of ‘introvert’ time away from the crowds. I brought my camera with and we walked along the lake at the resort. That has me beginning to feel like I am closer to being back in touch with my film cameras again.

Now, to take on the rest of the week.

Processed with VSCOcam


Taken with my cell phone. Film version coming soon.