Long days

I know the days are shorter in the winter here, but the last couple have seemed quite long. Perhaps this is the reality of working from home every day? Or just a feeling I get from knowing I don’t have a car (with heat) readily available for me to leave on a whim? Yesterday and today I have plugged through, feeling like I wasn’t accomplishing much, but getting to the end of the day and realizing that I have accomplished way more than I thought.

Today was spent on applications. Nothing of much interest to tell you about, dear readers. It is one of the tedious aspects of being an artist, sending out applications to be in shows or get gallery shows to show your work, sending the same images to different places in slightly different formats, each one labeled in a different way. yada, yada, yada. But, what amazed me today is that I am already applying for and planning for events in May. MAY. It seems to me that is the reason the years seem to go by so fast. When so many things are planned so far in advance, it is hard to not feel like time is rushing away.

Oh well. Two applications done today. Fingers crossed.

house small

Remembering warm

While editing photos today, I came across this one.


Taken sometime in September (Impossible Project instant film, Polaroid Spectra camera).

It was warm, we had settled into a routine in our new home, and apples were in season. We rode our bikes to the local co-op to buy apples from a local farm to make apple sauce and apple butter. We packed our bag so full of apples that we couldn’t get my bike pack to close.

Winters in Minnesota have their own special beauty, when everything is still, the snow sparkles, and the air is crisp. When you can go skiing, or sledding, and return home to hot drinks and rosy cheeks. It is hard to remember all of this when the air stays in degrees below zero, when breathing outside is almost painful. But this is all temporary, just like every other season. I’m still looking forward to the next day it is warm enough to wander a bit with my camera.