Jes Lee

I can’t stay mad…

….at the snow when it is so pretty out. Giant snow flakes, sticking to all of the tree branches, covering up the dingy muddy snow we had this morning.

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset


Especially when it looks like I am living up north and not in the city. Driving to class tonight could be interesting though.

I have been home today working on a new photo book project, and nursing a migraine while curled up on the couch. Other than the headache it hasn’t been a horrible way to spend the day.

I am quite excited about my new photo book, though there isn’t enough quite yet to post here. Soon.


Film 365 – Day 29: January 19, 2014

Such a lovely weather day with sunshine and lovely shadows on the snow.

January 19 2 small



I love this little archway next to our house. I have plans to decorate it with lights this summer.

Hasselblad 501c/m 80mm lens (my favorite!)

Rolei Retro 100 film developed in Ilfosol 3

January 19 small

January 19 3 small


When John got back home from a trip out to his parent’s, we went for a little walk. There is a way down to the train tracks by our house, and it wasn’t too full of snow to hike it. These last two photos were taken with a Nikon FG camera using the Lomography Xpro film that I have decided I’m not terribly fond of. It was still a very lovely walk though!