Jes Lee


This year will be the year of replacing pastels. This year will be the year of jewel tones, and bright, bold, make-a-freaking-statement colors. Ok….maybe a bit in to next year as well….

I finished my bathroom painting project today, in between printing book pages.


In 45 minutes it will be my birthday. I admit, I have been feeling quite “over” celebrating this year. It has nothing to do with age (I could care less about age)….I’m not sure what it is about. And that is ok. I am ready for a peaceful day.

Here’s to another year!


There was no film photo from today. Sometimes that happens. I have learned to be ok with it. There was a night time walk, which is one of my favorite things.

Today has been a jumble of things, like most Mondays seem to be. But I am sure someday those things will sort themselves out.

Maybe the reason why I like the night time so much is because of how a complicated landscape can become just simple shapes.
