I am anxiously waiting to be able to go hiking at the state parks again. I am much more stable walking, and almost back to the distances I was previously able to hike. We have a list of parks to get to this spring and summer, and I am already stocking up on film to take.
In the mean time, I thought I would share some of the images I made last year while we were out camping and hiking.
These images also tie into my water project. While I won’t go back to these places every month for a whole year, I want to document the time I did spend there, and count them in the overall project.
Next month I plan to get back to regular photographing for my year long water project, and I am so looking forward to days of taking photos and developing film again.
Thanks for being here!
Banning State Park, July 2022, (Fomapan 100 film, Hasselblad 501c/m camera, Xtol Developer)Banning State Park, July 2022, (Fomapan 100 film, Hasselblad 501c/m camera, Xtol Developer)Banning State Park, July 2022, (Fomapan 100 film, Hasselblad 501c/m camera, Xtol Developer)Banning State Park, July 2022, (Fomapan 100 film, Hasselblad 501c/m camera, Xtol Developer)Banning State Park, July 2022, (Kodak Ektar film, Hasselblad 501c/m camera, ECN2 developer)Banning State Park, July 2022, Compilation imageBanning State Park, July 2022, Compilation image
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