Work spaces


If only this photo had sound and you could hear the very loud cricket that is hanging out in the garage with me. He isn’t helping much with the framing though.

Coming soon!!!!

I just dropped off the last few prints today to get mats cut. 

I have a few more days of framing to do, and a few titles to come up with, but


You are coming to the opening aren't you??

Thursday, September 23rd, 6-8pm at Bloomington Art Center in the Atrium Gallery.

Last day of August Break

Today was the last day of August Break, the last day of photographing bits of your day, and letting the photos tell the story and not having to use so many words. Of course, I have enjoyed this so much, that I will most likely keep this up!
Anyway, a few photos of my day. Notice that many more included my printing press instead of being outside! But! I got a lot done! Yeay!

August Break #29


My ocd took over a bit today…
This is my tank top and long sock obsession drawer….
I’m not going to post a photo of my underwear drawer, but it is similarly organized…

August Break #18

We were going to go for a walk or bike ride tonight. But after my 12 mile ride to and from work, cleaning, laundry, and dinner, and his day at work, we found ourselves very content to just enjoy the peace and quiet. I turned my little lights on out on the deck and enjoyed them. Sometime soon they will be coming to paint our decks and I’ll have to take everything off for awhile. So for now it was nice to enjoy it. I need more sleep, but need more time to get applications done and sent in before deadlines hit. The usual running I have recently become very calm about. Not sure if that is good or not yet!

August Break day 18

I have been quite behind posting August Break photos here.

It is partly due to time, partly due to the fact that the instant photos I have been taking and intending to upload have not made me super happy.

But I did finish this during the month of August. I even printed it. I think it is the last new compilation piece for my show. So, I was thinking it would count for August Break. And perhaps make up for my lack of posts.