Film 365 – Day 7: December 28, 2013

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Hasselblad 501c/m.

This roll of film did not wind tightly, and a few shots were light struck. This was the worst of them. I did not have a tripod with. This photo was taken with my camera balanced on my bag.

Journal notes: At a local taproom with my Duluth Pack bag, taking a photo of John with my Hassy. I only need raw denim jeans to complete my hipster transformation.

Kodak Ektar 100 c41 film developed at West Photo.

f2.8 1 second exposure.

6:35pm 32˚F  mist and fog.

Film 365 – Day 6: December 27th

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Journaling at Teasource with my friend Lynn!

Hasselblad 501c/m 80mm lens

Kodak Ektar 100 c41 film developed at West Photo.

This was so much fun, and it put me in such a positive creative mood for the rest of the day. One of my goals this year is to give myself more time like this in the morning.

Other photos from the day:

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She wanted to try my camera (I love it when people want to do that!) so I helped set the exposure and focusing. I was of course only guessing on those settings….I didn’t do too badly on the exposure, but I was a little off on the focus!

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Creative chaos.



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Later that day I went to pick up John from work. The sunset was so beautiful! I had to take a few minutes for a photo walk to chase the day’s remaining light.




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60 second-ish exposure. My camera was balanced on a bridge railing.


Film 365 – Day 5: December 26, 2013

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Hasselblad 501c/m 80mm lens

f5.6 30 second exposure

Kodak Ektar 100 c41 film developed at West Photo

Camera balanced on a cooler.

9:44pm 16˚F with freezing fog.

I should have made this exposure a bit longer so you could better see the mist rising from the hot tub and the fog surrounding it. This was my first long night time exposure in quite awhile. This project is already teaching me that I need more practice. I am listening.