10 minutes at a time

There are some technical details of what I am working on for Made Here that haven’t been exactly easy.

Such as how my film scanner is not playing super nice at letting me scan negatives in at a higher resolution than what I normally do. Specifically the black and white negatives, when scanned in on Grayscale mode. Scanned in on color negative mode, they work fine. I have not yet learned why.

10 minutes at a time, re-scanning the black and white images I took last weekend.

10 minutes at a time editing and color correcting, bringing them back to black and white.

10 minutes at a time with all the other things that have taken place over the last couple of days (including dropping a shampoo bottle on my toe…)

10 minutes at a time has worked out pretty well!

12/26/14 – 12/27/14 Traveling to Okinawa!

This year, John and I decided to head out on an adventure. Our adventure began on Christmas Day. The next bunch of blog posts will be quite photo heavy…but I’m excited to share this little adventure of ours! If you don’t want to see photos of the beach, pottery villages, caves, and castle ruins, well, wait about a week and I’m sure I’ll have something else to blog about! For those of you sticking around, enjoy!

Somehow, Jeremy Messersmith knew that we would be heading out on this adventure, and wrote a travel song just for us!


We had a fun breakfast at the airport with some other traveling friends, saw Santa Clause directing airplanes…

….took one 12 hour flight up above the clouds…


….landed, took a taxi bus full of people out to the runway, walked up to our plane and up the stairs…I thought they only did this in the movies!


Ok – enough with the crappy airport cell phone photos!

After another 2 1/2 hours we landed in Okinawa. It was pretty late on December 26th by the time we got there. It was awesome to see a familiar face at the airport, and have a home to stay at after all the traveling.

The next day we finally got to say hi to the rest of the family (Eric, Millie, Evie, and Clara) before we headed out on our first adventure.

I journaled quite a bit on this trip. Some of those pages I will include for you in my posts, so you can read more about the day, or just skip to more photos if you like!

2015-01-19 23.11.44

2015-01-19 23.11.54

2015-01-19 23.12.14



Being out by the sea wall was amazing. I love visiting the ocean…something I don’t get to do nearly often enough.

I brought my Hasselblad 501c/m with me on this trip, and a lot of film. Below is a little slide show of photos I took our first full day there. If you would rather just sort through them yourself, the gallery is here.

Film 365 – Day 27: January 17, 2014

January 17 2 small


8:03pm 9˚ mostly cloudy

I went to an opening reception for a friend’s art show. It brought me close to where I spent many college days, to streets I wandered day and night. I drove by for one quick look back.

Hasselblad 501c/m

Fuji Neopan Acros 100 film developed in Ilfosol 3

f2.8, 60 second exposure.

Film 365 – Day 26: January 16, 2014


I was doing more experimenting with my Sx-70. It seemed that the shutter was stuck at only one speed, so only images taken in certain lighting situations would work.  january 16 small

january 16 2 small

This was my favorite image from that day.


Polaroid Sx-70 camera

Impossible Project Px100 Silver Shade film

Film 365 – Day 20: January 10, 2014


A little weekend get-away…

John’s company took us on this amazing weekend trip to Nisswa, MN for the weekend. We stayed at a cabin in the Grandview Lodge resort with a pretty little deck filled with snow. We quickly dubbed this the ‘cake table’.

Of course the photo is a bit blurry….it was dark, and I didn’t bring a tripod with. It was dark by the time we arrived at the cabin, and we spent a very large chunk of time before that on a bus. So it was a bit less photogenic of a day to begin with.

january 10 2 smallI was not sure what this trip would be like, but figured I should pack light. So instead of bringing my Hasselblad with, I brought my Nikon Fg-20 with. Other than really disliking scanning 35mm film, and realizing that expired Ilford HP5+ 400 film gets EXTREMELY grainy when it expires, I really do like this little camera!

Nikon FG-20 camera

Ilford HP5+ 400 film developed in Ilfosol 3

f 2.8 1/15 shutter speed.

8:45 pm 30˚ with mist and fog.


Film 365 – Day 19: January 9, 2014



What a difference daylight makes.january 9 small


The same view as yesterday’s photo, except with day light making it seem more ordinary.

Retro Rolei 100 film developed in Ilfosol 3.

7:49am 3˚ and cloudy

january 9 2 smallWinter gets so monotone. I’m grateful for the house plants I am able to grow here to cheer things up a bit. And yes, I do realize the irony in posting a black and white photo of this.

7:54am 3˚ and cloudy

Rolei Retro 100 film developed in Ilfosol 3.

Hasselblad 501c/m camera.