
It was one of those days where things kept happening and deadlines for amazing things kept getting set (and seeming much closer than they should be) and before long it was afternoon and my head was spinning.

But, thankfully, I stopped long enough today to have a spontaneous lunch date with John, I stopped to take a photo of the tree tops, and I biked to and back home from a great class I taught. It was fun teaching people who were genuinely interested in what I had to teach. And it was very calming biking home at dusk by the train yards.

It has taken me a long time of going to yoga to realize how important of a gift time and space can be, and that gift can come in the form of a yoga class, or bike ride, or just a few minutes of looking at the clouds. I’m learning, and I am listening.


Where does it all go?

Time. Money. Summer. Yeah, all the fun things fly past. I think that is the way it is supposed to be though … the whole ‘live hard and fast’ mentality. I have been doing that lately, in between bouts of taking it very very easy. Lately I have been getting artwork ready to show in a group exhibition in August, trying to get a piece ready to submit to the State Fair, making plans with friends, working on a new logo and website look for my aunt, working on more poetry videos, trying to write some poetry myself, designing new greeting cards and prints, applying for more festivals this fall, and spending a bit of time in my aunt’s pool. It really has been a great summer. Hotter than most, but I don’t mind that too much. That just gives me more reason to get my work done early in the day, and spend the later half somewhere cool.
Today, it is hot and rainy. (The rain is really the only part I strongly dislike about this hot weather, simply because after the rain, it smells like hot worms outside. I seriously can’t stand that. I was traumatized by a 5th grade teacher who had a huge fish tank with big fish that the boys fed worms to. Traumatized.) I have zip for energy today for some reason, so I’m trying to be a little more kind to myself and take it easy. Mostly I am going through artwork from previous shows and seeing what is no longer worth having framed so I can reuse the frames. Beyond that I’ll do a little bit of pottery, and a little bit of coating mylar with india ink so I can make some scratch negatives. Just a quiet little art day.

Some of you who follow this blog will notice that I am on Instagram now and that I post all of my Instagram photos here. I apologize if this bothers you. I do this because I trust Posterous’ terms of service much more than many other places. Plus, I like keeping things neat and in one place. Please don’t think that all I will be doing is posting photos like that here though. There will be updates! I promise!

Until next time,