The house on the hill

I mentioned in my last post (almost 1 month ago…sorry!) that John and I were moving.

It finally happened.

I survived.

Everything is starting to get settled.

There are not as many boxes anymore.

And we now live in this beautiful little house on a hill.

the house on the hill


With yards filled with day lilies and hostas…




and a large front window that looks out over the world…




front window


It all seems quite perfect!

We are working our way through the long part of settling in, but already it seems to feel so much more like a home. Our home.

Updates will be much more frequent now. I have a lot of things to tell you all about!

Until next time,


2013-07-21 00.13.31

2013-07-21 21.02.43

2013-07-23 09.19.30

2013-07-22 20.46.54

Day one of a new year

Can I start out first by saying how unbelievably happy I am that there is snow on the ground here right now? I don’t know that I really have a favorite season, there is something to like from each one, but there are many bits I love about winter. I love the snow, I love the way it coats the tree branches, I love going sledding and skiing with friends, I love taking walks in the chilly winter air that wakes you up with each breath… 

It has been so sad to me that we hadn’t had much snow at all this winter, and we finally got a blanket of it on New Years Eve. Way to start 2012!

I spent some time tonight reading some lovely year end blog posts from a few friends (herehere, and here). It made me think a bit about what 2011 was for me, and what I hope for in the coming year. Every year has its ups and downs, and 2011 was no exception. I realize that I have learned so much this time around though. I have had my artwork in more places than I ever expected – ever hoped for even. I participated in many more art festivals, most of them with my dad. Through all of that I learned how to be better prepared for shows, how to worry about them less, and that art festivals are a ton of work, but the results are worth it, and they can be pretty fun (at least the times where you aren’t moving heavy boxes of pottery!)

I have learned over this year, mostly in the last couple of months, how to relax more, to not get so stressed out, to take the busy days one hour at a time, and to enjoy the moment more. I have learned to let things go, and to somehow constantly remind myself that unpleasant situations are only situations and are temporary.

I am looking forward to 2012. I am not much for making new years resolutions, but I have a few goals in mind for this year:

– to keep up with working out. My Varikin got me into it over Christmas this year, and I have been amazed at how quickly it has become a stress reliever for me. 

– to continue to work on finding a balance with my artwork time, and my artwork-work time. To make sure I have time to work on creating, but also time for updating my shop and blog and sending out applications for shows.

– to be creative every day. My 365 photo project definitely helps with that! To make more books, and maybe some paper, and spend more time in my darkroom and at MCBA

– to make this little blog awesome and interesting. I have two friends who have awesome blogs (see links above). They blog almost every day and are my blogging role models! I want to turn this blog into a fun, creative outlet, and I have plans to post a lot more frequently in 2012!

– to continue to take loads of pictures of every day life, to spend lots of time laughing and having fun with my husband, and family, and friends.

– to travel!! There are a few trips in the planning stages for 2012. Are any set in stone? No, but that’s ok. Whatever happens will happen and will be ok. But, it is always fun to plan and day dream about vacation!

So far, I have already started printing the second book in the series I am working on, and started writing parts for the third and fourth. I’m liking where 2012 is headed!

I hope that 2012 is full of love, peace, happiness and success for all of us!

Until next time,