Jes Lee

A smart title would go here

Today is a day I really wish I could just curl myself around my coffee cup and stay there. Not for any alarming reasons. Just because it is warm, and my brain feels full of clouds today.

The next exhibition of Pretend the World opens up this week. Today I am hanging my work at the Art Start gallery in St. Paul. Thursday night Kathryn Kysar will be reading her work, along with Philip S. Bryant. The events start at 7:00. There will be music, poetry, as well as the videos and artwork I created to go with Kathryn’s book.

I admit to being a little nervous about being the only artist with artwork hanging on the walls (this time feels different from the other solo shows I have been lucky enough to have) and being in charge of bringing the video equipment and setting everything up correctly, but I’m sure it will all happen some how.

Who is she?

Who is she? from Love Poem

There are so many amazing events coming up. From the MCBA Co-op show at the Anderson Center in May, to Craftstravaganza and the beginning of the art festival season, to so many other opportunities and events. It is wonderful, and crazy, and busy. I keep daydreaming as I work, thinking of what I want to try next. What my next project will include, what processes I want to try next.


Poison (365 project, day 104)


April 2

Poison – this is the poison mushroom from the Super Mario Bros. games for those of you who don’t recognize it. (Though I can’t imagine any of you not knowing that!)


This brings me up to date with posts for my 365 project as well. I haven’t taken a photo yet for today, but it is coming.

Things have been a whirl wind lately. I haven’t been posting much because I was in the middle of transitioning my website over to a WordPress site…what you see here. Ta-da! There are still a few more things to tweak, but I am really happy with how it has turned out! Of course, it took me a bit longer than expected, but has been worth it.

This past weekend was full. I think that is the best way I can describe it.

We have been in the process of putting our condo on the market in the hopes that we can sell it soon, and find a house! Of course there was a lot of work for us to do: planting flowers in the pots on the deck, lots of cleaning, packing important things away, moving furniture to make the space look as large as possible, cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. Even after working all weekend on it, there was still a bit more to do on Monday. The hardest part is over now, along with most of the work. Now we wait.

Saturday also was the end of my solo show at Anoka Ramsey Community College. That was very bittersweet for me. The awesome lab assistants at ARCC took my work down and packed it up for me. I didn’t have to do any of the work, which was so nice! I loaded two boxes of frames into my car and was done. I can now organize that work and get it ready for the next show. But, it is sad to know that show is over. It meant so much to me to have my artwork hanging up at the college that started this journey for me. It was a huge honor to have it on their walls, and it was a little sad to take it down.

On to the next thing! Yesterday my dad and I ran a bisque fire in the kiln, and spent a bit of time checking our work on the paint job on my car. (That is where the photo of the day came from.) Today my day will be full of putting framing wire on artwork for the next show, emptying the kiln, getting pottery ready for glazing and continuing to print pages for more books.

I’m grateful to have a Co-op meeting at MCBA this evening. I feel like I need a bit of time to be with other artists instead of working so much on my own like I have recently.

I am also grateful that the upcoming weekend is a holiday weekend, and will be very uneventful. I am looking forward to some much-needed downtime, and maybe a photo walk with one of my cameras.

Until next time,
