It is the little things

It is always the little things. The tiny bits that add up to big bits, snowflakes that add into snowballs and avalanches.

All of the good bits, and the less spectacular bits as well.

I have still been going on my #100daysofhappiness journal project. It helps me focus on all of the good bits. Some days have been full of them, and my journal entry seems like an endless list of great little memories. Other days haven’t been as full of the good things, but because of this project I go to bed at night remembering at least one good thing from the day.

Balance is hard. Yoga reminded me of that today. We did something a little unusual and did a balance pose pretty early on in today’s practice. Balance poses take concentration, strength, and focus. I admit I was a little thrown off, and quite unsteady at first. Annie said “don’t think about it, just do it, find your point to focus on, and breathe…” or something very similar in her yogi wisdom. So I did. And I balanced. And I realize that all of that runs very parallel to life, and how much better I do when I just stop over planning, over thinking, shut up and focus and breathe. So, I’m shutting up about all of it now. I have my bits to focus on. I can breathe.

So far this week, my job and artwork balance that have seemed to be a constant struggle since starting this job in August, are maybe just a tiny bit easier. I have had a couple of very productive days in very important-to-me ways. I even printed for a short little time at MCBA on Monday, which is something I have wanted to do for a long, long time.


John was the sweetest ever to me, and took me out to spend a little money on Christmas lights for our house. We hung them up together Monday night, after decorating our little tree on Sunday, and I couldn’t be happier. I always wanted to be able to decorate a house with twinkle lights, and we finally did.


I have more plans of important-to-me-to-have-happen productivity this week, and some plans already taking shape with some great friends this weekend.

I’m happy and content right now. And when I need to find my balance today, I can focus on that.


Focus on breathing.

In yoga Annie teaches us that our only job is to breath. That is all we have to do. We breath and we move, and at the end of class when all of the moving is out, we are still. And still breathing.

Today I was very focused on moving. Getting from one place to another, marking things off of my checklist, focusing, doing, moving.

Partway through all of that, I was in the darkroom at MCBA, by myself, when I received a text from a friend. And for just a little while it seemed like everything stopped. I was hyper aware of so many feelings, aware of how many things had come to pass in a time span of just under one year. Of relationships changing, hurting, healing, watching a couple of people learn to walk again, and others come and go. An awkward dance at best. And then, I remembered to breath. And I realized that there was quite a bit of irony in hearing this news in the place I went to find myself as all of this was happening. The place I learned how to be me again. And all I have to do is breath, my only job.



Another weekend

The reception at Konawerks Saturday night was lovely. It was very encouraging to me – that everything I am trying to do and juggle is worth it, and there are people who notice.

I love the snow we have been getting – the soft flakes, the not terribly cold weather. I love this season.

Recently, I have spent some time printing again, working on my little press down by the fire place, getting reacquainted with my studio. That is one of many things making me happy.

And my Christmas Cactus is blooming!





I’m still here…

The new work schedule has definitely been an adjustment…an adjustment that has taken up a lot more brain space than I would like some days. But it is November, and one of my favorite seasons is just around the corner, and somehow things seem to be settling in a little more each day. I have finally gotten back to creating, and working on my little book project that has gotten shoved aside for the last two months.

There are so many events coming up between my photography and the pottery my dad and I work on together! Check my ‘Announcement‘ page. I have kept that as up to date as possible with everything new coming up.

Yesterday I hung artwork up in Karin Jacobson’s studio for Art Attack, coming up this weekend! I am so excited! It will be a long weekend, but I am looking forward to being there!

I have kept up with my #100DaysOfHappiness that you might remember me starting in September. I am loving that little project! I haven’t been posting updates for it – I am feeling quite strongly that some things just need to stay in my journal, and a few of those updates fit that. But I might share a few more a long the way.

This post has been all over the map, especially for the first update in quite a while! Hopefully this space will be a little less neglected going forward…

I’m off to my studio before I have to head to work. Until next time!

Oh, and here is one of my newest pieces…this and two other new compilations are up at Karin’s studio!

new japan web size