Yesterday was awesome
There isn’t much else I can say about yesterday except that it was pretty amazing.
For the first time in a long time I gave myself the time to develop some film. I stash rolls in a drawer in my studio until I have time to process them. Yesterday I looked and found 6 rolls waiting for me. Many were taken over the summer, right before I got busy framing work for my show. I can’t wait to get everything scanned in now. I’ll post a few here I’m sure.My dad and I finally got a chance to work on making some new pottery. It was nice to get back into that. In case you didn’t know, I have been listing a lot of our pottery for sale on Etsy. (www.etsy.com/dadandkiddo)
I also got my Christmas present early! My family and husband all went together (and with some divine help from my granny!) got me a piano! I have missed having a piano at home for so long! This one is digital, it takes up much less space than a regular piano would, but still has weighted keys, a full keyboard, and sounds amazing! I played quite a bit last night after we got it home. It is so nice to be able to play and unwind again. For the longest time, playing music has been my way of unwinding, of relaxing and dealing with frustrations. My wonderful family knows this and realized that I needed one I could play whenever I needed (I have always had one to play at my mom and dads house) and we found this one. It took a bit of rearranging to have a space for it, and some kind of hard decisions. I had been keeping a lot of furniture that had been my granny’s for quite some time. Much of it was just being stored for when John and I had a bigger place. Not much of it fit our tastes, but it held many childhood memories for me (the server she hid all the glass marbles in!) and I was keeping it just because of her. I have come to realize though that furniture doesn’t embody a person, just their tastes (though stuff made by someone can often be a different story, it isn’t the case here) and often their tastes for a short time in their life. Memories don’t have to be tied to furniture or other objects. Memories don’t fade just because you don’t keep objects from the event. Those are just things, memories are experiences in your heart. In fact, it doesn’t always make sense what triggers a memory. I have had many people now comment on my artwork that certain pieces remind them of experiences, dreams, people, etc.
My granny will live on in memories and photographs forever without her furniture being stored. So, the server that always held glass marbles when I was little, and mostly just hid random things while I was using it at our condo, has moved on to be used by someone else, and in its spot is a new piano that some of the people I adore most, including my granny, helped me get. So what will today bring? For me, more time with family, and perhaps a bit of piano time this afternoon. Tomorrow is back to artwork and other creative bits, and probably more piano time. And being present. And enjoying where I am at. Until tomorrow, ~peace~A good day for catching up
I told you there would be a catch up post coming. Those always happen when I find myself a little too involved with things other than keeping up a blog.
We have been getting ready for Christmas, like so many others, though this year has been different. This year we have been working on not feeling so rushed, and I haven’t been so crazy with holiday sales. I only had artwork in a few this time. We actually bought a Christmas tree this year too! We haven’t had one since the year John came home. There were many reasons really, we were busy, there wasn’t room, and we just really weren’t in to the holiday. But this year, there were no excuses. We found one that is pretty perfect.
For the first time in quite awhile it seems like a lot of the craziness has stopped. I still have these random moments of feeling overwhelmed that quite often lead to small meltdowns. Last night John pointed out to me that all of these feelings of being overwhelmed were from self imposed deadlines, and that none of them mattered. They matter, but not in the sense that I have to scramble to get them done. It is amazing how often I need to be reminded of this, but he is right. For now, I need to focus on enjoying things, and being creative.
I have still been doing the ‘Cell Phone Pic A Day’ project. My favorite photo app has a random setting, where you don’t know what effects it will give your photo. I really love that setting! It has been fun to play with! I am glad I started this project. For one, I am enjoying using my cell phone basically as another toy camera. Also, it has kept me taking pictures. I haven’t been photographing as much otherwise lately. I’ll get back into that, it just always takes me a little while after working on a big project like I did. This at least keeps me doing something.
Of course, it always helps when an awesome customer leaves a new camera as a present!
It works perfect too! I don’t think anyone has used it before! It has been a lot of fun to play with so far. I’m excited to see what I can do with it.
After spending the last couple of days at MCBA (http://www.mnbookarts.org) I really want to get back to playing with my printing press too! MCBA just introduced a Book Arts Certificate program. I can find out more about the program and curriculum in January, but I am already excited! I think it is the first time I’ve been excited about going back to school in a way! There is something about making books and printing that I have loved since I first tried it. I believe there is nothing cozier than working on art and book binding and printing on some of these cold winter days.
Well, maybe really long thick socks are up on that list too!
My ultimate goal in all of this, is just to slow down, and enjoy it. I need to be more present. Giving myself the permission to slow down enough has been tough, but I know it will be worth it in the end.I think that is enough for now.
Until next time,
I love this room
I had the chance to spend an entire day here. I love all of the presses and type and constant smell of ink. I also discovered I was making many things harder for myself with my little printing press. I suspect it will get even more use now!
Good days
It is an exciting weekend. Currently I am sitting in the basement of MCBA surrounded by lead type, anxiously awaiting class to start. Exciting days!!
I keep taking pictures …
I have been keeping up with my 365 project for the most part, I just haven’t been as good with uploading them. Here is one from today…my Gramps getting help with his new cell phone. I love when my family is all together like this.
Changes, promises, and permission
And we keep going!
The show at Bloomington is down, but that isn’t the end! More shows are coming in 2012 and I’ve already begun planning new work to add to this series. It is exciting!
In the mean time, the holiday sales are already in full swing. These not only give you a chance to buy handmade pieces from local artists but a chance to find great things for yourself as well! In fact, Minnesota Center for Book Arts (www.mnbooksarts.org) has their 9th annual Book Arts Festival going on today from 10am to 5pm! I will be there selling prints from my current Digital Dreams of Life series. You should stop by!
And this is why I f~€*|^g shoot film
There is a particular feeling of dread you feel when you are trying to pull important photos and movies off of your smart phone and see the error message. That one that your phone flashes at you, gently telling you that your memory card sucks and you are therefore screwed.
Yes, it stinks. Really stinks. Yes, there were things I didn’t even have a chance to back up. No, it isn’t really the end of the world.
Of course, my first reaction is to spout off that this is why I shoot film, that film doesn’t just die like that without warning. Which of course is not true. (You just quite often never see the film images that don’t work out. Digital and being able to see things right away and know how awesome they are only to not be able to use them is just cruel.) Film can be a very harsh mistress too, but after having worked with it for so long, I feel like I know it better, know its nuances. I trust it. That feeling is really what keeps me shooting with film so much in the first place…what will keep me shooting with it in the future. My cell phone 365 almost ended tonight. The image in this post is not the one I intended for today, but, it will work. In the mean time, perhaps someone at The Nerdery will be able to resurrect my sd card tomorrow. Maybe not. Life goes on.
Until next time,~Peace~