Prints 7

It was a big day in many ways. Of course it was another printing day, with one more word and one more color pressed onto pages. I also got to help take apart the press and clean her up! You never know what you will get to do during open studio hours at MCBA! All of this was followed by a beautiful bike ride home. Wash, rinse, repeat tomorrow.


Prints 5

I finished the fifth hash tag print run today! Now if I could only find where I last put my keys, everything would be awesome….



I have also made it to yoga four times this week. That is a record for me! And one more thing I would like to keep up with…



Sometimes the quiet days are the best. Today just happened to be a quiet birthday. It began with breakfast treats from my family, yoga class, and then continued with me having a lazy day. A day where I didn’t respond to emails (unless they were personal – no work emails!) a day where I didn’t babysit my printer, or work on books. Instead I sat in my lovely backyard and journaled, read a book, and listened to music. When John came home from work, he took me to my favorite place for sushi where I had a pretty cocktail and an excellent dinner before an impromptu meet up with a couple of friends for beer. It was amazing.

Tomorrow will be back to work, with quite a bit of catching up from not working today, but if given the chance I would do it all over again.

Forward, toward the holiday weekend!





This year will be the year of replacing pastels. This year will be the year of jewel tones, and bright, bold, make-a-freaking-statement colors. Ok….maybe a bit in to next year as well….

I finished my bathroom painting project today, in between printing book pages.


In 45 minutes it will be my birthday. I admit, I have been feeling quite “over” celebrating this year. It has nothing to do with age (I could care less about age)….I’m not sure what it is about. And that is ok. I am ready for a peaceful day.

Here’s to another year!


There was no film photo from today. Sometimes that happens. I have learned to be ok with it. There was a night time walk, which is one of my favorite things.

Today has been a jumble of things, like most Mondays seem to be. But I am sure someday those things will sort themselves out.

Maybe the reason why I like the night time so much is because of how a complicated landscape can become just simple shapes.


Half way

This weekend I managed to pass the half-way point for the ink jet printing portion of the book I am working on. Each day gets me a little closer to the next step.

Between marathon printing sessions, I did have an excellent weekend including time spent at the Antiquarian Book Festival, time spent floating on a river with friends (and a chance to try out a waterproof 35mm camera!), a delicious brunch with my family to celebrate an upcoming event, and a little time spent seeing what new things is growing in my yard.

Back to the regularly scheduled week to come.






It was one of those days where things kept happening and deadlines for amazing things kept getting set (and seeming much closer than they should be) and before long it was afternoon and my head was spinning.

But, thankfully, I stopped long enough today to have a spontaneous lunch date with John, I stopped to take a photo of the tree tops, and I biked to and back home from a great class I taught. It was fun teaching people who were genuinely interested in what I had to teach. And it was very calming biking home at dusk by the train yards.

It has taken me a long time of going to yoga to realize how important of a gift time and space can be, and that gift can come in the form of a yoga class, or bike ride, or just a few minutes of looking at the clouds. I’m learning, and I am listening.



Today was busy, between work at the library, book printing, and prepping for my class tomorrow night. I didn’t stop working for very long at all today…until now. Time for sleep.

Between all the tasks today, I did notice that my day lilies are opening.

It is the little things…

….that I am grateful for today.
Clean laundry, neighbors that offer to trade a few plants, art museums, visits with friends, farmer’s market trips with my dad, yoga, and evening walks through our neighborhood. I am grateful to have these privileges in my life.

Some of my favorite photos from my film 365 project have come from evening walks by our house. Many of those are of the train tracks that run near by. Tonight’s walk was no different. I need to develop film soon…..
