It is true…

…I have officially entered the denial level of procrastination.

The point where so many deadlines (many of them very very exciting that I can hopefully share with you officially on Thursday) and so many to-do’s are piling up, that I start spacing out on everything. And looking at Pinterest. And pinning more recipes. And deciding I should, in fact, try making some of my own beauty products.

All the while the deadlines keep sitting in the corner.

Glaring at me.

Right along with the clean laundry that hasn’t been folded yet.

So I am playing along with this 12 by 12 project that is going through Flickr and Twitter. Every month, there is a new photo challenge posted. You participate, and upload your photos to Flickr or Instagram or wherever you like, and share them. This month’s challenge was to photograph a path you walk often, taking a photo every 100 steps or so. I wanted to do a bunch of film photos for this challenge. For all of them really, but this is the first one. But, with working, and being sick, that just didn’t happen. But, one Saturday at work, I did get out my iPhone as I was walking the halls, locking things up for the day. I played with one of my favorite little film filters, the one that “mimics” the color wet plate print look. It was fun, and picked up my spirits that day.

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Until next time~~~

Slowly emerging again….

Things happened.

Lots of things.

Things I would love to post about here.

Things happened, and then I got sick. Quite sick.

And for the last week, I have spent most of my time going to work, trying hard to not sound like I was dying, (I wasn’t, really…), thinking about my little blog and wanting to update more and talk about what has gone on, and trying to get better.

I survived my week at work, and stayed home this weekend, and am feeling more normal than I have for a while. Yay, road to recovery…helped along by antibiotics and prednisone and many other allergy and asthma drugs…

Today, John got a door hung up on my darkroom! I can finally use it without having to block out a certain bunny with many pieces of furniture in the doorway! I’m really looking forward to getting back to work in there!

I also made it out of the house for a tiny walk around the block with John. The evening air felt really good. And the sunset was beautiful!

File Mar 29, 8 51 31 PM

We’ll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully energy to run a few art errands, and get some plans going.Onward!

All on a Sunday

We had a long Sunday. While it was not filled with art show openings like Saturday was, it was still wonderful, and filled with family and shopping and I was able to spend a lot of time with John. I always love weekends like that.

Being that it was the first weekend in quite awhile that we were both feeling good, John went with me to see the swans and test out my new lens. From where we park, it is about a mile walk out to where the swans hang out. We weren’t able to stay long enough to watch them fly away, but we were able to stay for a bit. I tried out my new lens, and I am really enjoying it! The auto focus isn’t the fastest, but it isn’t the slowest I’ve used either. And the photos I got were quite sharp. I forgot to bring something to feed the swans, so they weren’t very interested in sitting close to me. It was a nice to test the zooming capabilities of this lens though!

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For reference, I took this with my iPhone from where I was sitting. More photos with my digital camera below, and more film photos to come soon.

After, we hiked back to the car, stopped at home to change, and went to The Bad Waitress to celebrate John’s birthday as well as my father-in-law’s birthday. It was nice to see them. I’m hoping we can do Sunday brunch with family a bit more often now.

After, John and I went to Ikea in search of spice jars (we didn’t find them) and the Mall of America in search of clothes. We didn’t find very much in the way of clothes, but we did come home with a stack of books, thanks to a couple of gift cards. The number of books I have purchased this weekend says a lot about where my head has been lately.

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Currently, it is beautiful and snowy out, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m heading out to yoga for the first time in over a week…I finally feel like I could make it through most of class. Fingers crossed that I’m right about that!

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Until next time….

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