It is true…

…I have officially entered the denial level of procrastination.

The point where so many deadlines (many of them very very exciting that I can hopefully share with you officially on Thursday) and so many to-do’s are piling up, that I start spacing out on everything. And looking at Pinterest. And pinning more recipes. And deciding I should, in fact, try making some of my own beauty products.

All the while the deadlines keep sitting in the corner.

Glaring at me.

Right along with the clean laundry that hasn’t been folded yet.

So I am playing along with this 12 by 12 project that is going through Flickr and Twitter. Every month, there is a new photo challenge posted. You participate, and upload your photos to Flickr or Instagram or wherever you like, and share them. This month’s challenge was to photograph a path you walk often, taking a photo every 100 steps or so. I wanted to do a bunch of film photos for this challenge. For all of them really, but this is the first one. But, with working, and being sick, that just didn’t happen. But, one Saturday at work, I did get out my iPhone as I was walking the halls, locking things up for the day. I played with one of my favorite little film filters, the one that “mimics” the color wet plate print look. It was fun, and picked up my spirits that day.

Until next time~~~

New things

The No Coast Craft-o-Rama festival on Saturday was a success! We sold a decent amount of pottery, and I actually managed to sell a few cards. It was a hot, humid day, but we survived.

I have been trying to blog everyday, but have failed recently. Mostly, it is because I have been getting too run down and starting to get sick…same old drill, different day. I started antibiotics today, and have started feeling better…hopefully they keep working. (And no, I have not mentioned to many people that I haven’t been feeling well. I don’t always.)

I have more photos and journal pages to upload! I have really been enjoying this project! Of course there have been a few issues with the servers Mr. FN has me working off of, and the photo uploader bit is apparently on strike right now….but trust me! They are cool, and they are coming soon!

Today while laying on the couch I did manage to change my shop a big. There are now 5 items listed for sale. Those will change every couple of weeks most likely. I will post links and tweet whenever things will be updated. Why am I changing this? I adore Big Cartel and having a shop through them. Before, I was paying a monthly fee to be able to have so many pieces listed….but I wasn’t selling anything. Yeah, I know. Art is hard work to sell. So instead of keeping up the monthly payments that weren’t really getting paid for easily, I went back to a free plan. That plan allows me 5 items. I will see how it goes for awhile. Maybe things will turn around and I will change it again. Big Cartel makes that very easy, so I’m not worried. I wish with all my heart that people bought more art. I would love to do a survey and ask people why they don’t. When you are at a large art festival, why do you choose one item over another? Functional over decorative? I’m curious – not bitter! Just curious.

Lastly, I finally made a new web shop for the pottery! Same kind of thing: there are 5 items listed and they will change every couple of weeks.

And with that, I am done working for the day.

Good night!