Film 365 – Day 26: January 16, 2014


I was doing more experimenting with my Sx-70. It seemed that the shutter was stuck at only one speed, so only images taken in certain lighting situations would work.  january 16 small

january 16 2 small

This was my favorite image from that day.


Polaroid Sx-70 camera

Impossible Project Px100 Silver Shade film

Film 365 – Day 25: January 15, 2014

january 15 2 small


Trying to get my Sx-70 to work again. I was scouring the internet, looking for repair guides, and trouble shooting tips, anything I could find. This was the best image I had gotten from it in a long time. (It gets better!)

Polaroid Sx-70 camera

Impossible Project PX125 CP film.

This new year is still new



I am still getting the hang of this new year.

I have introduced a lot of new practices into my creative life. Some are sticking well, others not as much.

I have kept up with my film 365 project, and in the process fixed one of my broken cameras.

I have kept up with my ‘morning pages’ journaling practice, though not quite every morning, and not always 3 full pages. But I am journaling and writing more, and it is helping me more than I ever thought.

I have started doing yoga. I went to three classes last week, and really enjoyed the challenge and calm they provided. (Also, yoga makes me feel warm, which I desperately need now!)

I have started working with the studio manager at MCBA on a very exciting project there.

I have started a new book making class at MCBA that will guide me towards making a new editioned book. I admit, I was scared to death to go to this class. I still am, though much less than I was. It is intimidating studying under and next to book artists that I look up to and admire, and feeling like my work belongs. But it has been amazing. I have a lot of work to do on this project, and many articles and books to read to help guide me through this design process, and I am looking forward to it!

Through a very kind friend’s amazing generosity (if you happen to be reading this, you know who you are!) I am the owner of an Impossible Project Instant Lab camera. This amazing little invention creates instant photos of any image you can put on a cell phone. I have played with it all weekend, trying different exposures, making images of cell phone photos and artwork compilations, and double exposures. 2014-02-08 11.31.45

There will be a full blog post on this very soon! I am still too amazed at what it can do to really put in words yet.

2014-01-28 16.34.38


I have had to do more healing this winter than I ever expected to. For the first in quite a while, I finally feel like I have a better grip on it. 2014 is still new and still fresh, and still great.

2014-02-10 16.44.54


Today also happens to be the birthday of the guy I adore. I am very happy to be enjoying 2014 with him. Happy Birthday love!

The house on the hill

I mentioned in my last post (almost 1 month ago…sorry!) that John and I were moving.

It finally happened.

I survived.

Everything is starting to get settled.

There are not as many boxes anymore.

And we now live in this beautiful little house on a hill.

the house on the hill


With yards filled with day lilies and hostas…




and a large front window that looks out over the world…




front window


It all seems quite perfect!

We are working our way through the long part of settling in, but already it seems to feel so much more like a home. Our home.

Updates will be much more frequent now. I have a lot of things to tell you all about!

Until next time,


2013-07-21 00.13.31

2013-07-21 21.02.43

2013-07-23 09.19.30

2013-07-22 20.46.54

Another studio day and new attitudes

Yes, I have another studio day today, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. After realizing that my upcoming show carries a bit more pressure with it (good pressure really!), I need to focus this new found nervous energy and get started! I honestly planned a much longer blog post for today, but never mind. That will have to wait! On to my studio!

First though, a bit about the weekend:

Friday during a short photo walk I found that my Sx-70 was on the fritz. Not knowing if it was just a few bad film packs, or the camera itself, I took out my little Sx70 One Step box cam for the weekend to test the film packs again. I headed out with Mr. FN to North Branch to find new jeans at the outlet mall, and a few deserted country roads to drive on. There were many stops for photo opportunities! Happily, all of the film packs worked, and upon arriving home and fiddling with my beloved folding Sx-70 a bit more, it started working. In fact, it now works better than it has since before I dropped it in Hawai’i! Amazing!

sx70 1 step007One of the many photos from our drive. I love being out in the middle of no where, out side of the city, and seeing these power lines run through the landscape and disappear into the distance. I can’t explain it, but I love this. I have a few more photos like this, but they will be posted later.

Also, ‘List it Tuesday’ is back! Check out Artsyville’s blog and participate! My list will be up later this week – promise :)

And if you have found my little blog from Lynn’s wonderful post, welcome! I am excited that I helped inspire her to try a 365 project! You can find me on Flickr as well – I’m Jes Lee Photos. And my latest 365 project is on Flickr as well right here!

And with that, I am off! Until next time!


Insert clever blog post title here

It has been a busy time around here. My sweetie and I went to Chicago for a couple of days to celebrate our wedding anniversary. There was some fun, and a romantic walk through Millennium Park surrounded by a bunch of craziness that led us home earlier than originally planned. It worked out for the better. Saturday, May 21st, we arrived back home, to our own shower, our own bed, and had a romantic dinner at one of our favorite restaurants to celebrate our anniversary. This May 21st celebrates the 7th anniversary of our second wedding. The wedding we got to have after he came home from being over seas. The one we got to plan. The one I made the invitations and bouquets for with help from a few friends. The one we had outside despite the rainy, cool morning. No matter what craziness we encountered in Chicago, no matter that we cut our trip short, the best part of the weekend was that we had 4 days together to hang out and do things we enjoyed. That was amazing, and the best anniversary present he could give me.

Now that we are back, there are so many exciting things happening!
Art stuff:
I start a new class at MCBA tomorrow about page layout design. I have never ever taken a class like that, and this one goes for 6 weeks. I’m excited! 
The overnight Northern Spark festival goes from sundown June 4th through sunrise June 5th. I will be visiting a few of the events around town, but I will also be printing at MCBA from 11pm to 4am! There will be pie, coffee (thank goodness!) and square dancing! You should definitely come visit. It will be a great night!
June 10th, Jes Lee Photos and Dad and Kiddo Pottery will be at the Unravelled DIY Festival! This is the first year for this festival. I think it will be a good one!
And of course many more things to come.

There are some cool things happening in my personal life as well, but those will be posted later.

365 photos: 

May 19th

Instant photo #45
A Chicago alley

Cell phone 365 #44
A photo of us reflected in the strange metal bean sculpture in Millennium Park in Chicago.

May 20th

Instant photo #46
Chicago fire escapes

Cell phone 365 #45
On the train in Chicago

May 21st

I was a bit too busy celebrating my wedding anniversary with my sweetie to take many photos today. I don’t think that is a bad thing though!

May 22nd

Instant photo #47
Dealing with a sticky pack and a sticky shutter on my Sx-70. Though this image did come out kind of cool – complete with a ghost bunny :)

The second best anniversary present we got each other:

Until next time,